

CCBuild has been developed within the framework of Vinnova's program Challenge-driven innovation.

From 2023, CCBuild will continue to be operated as a subsidiary of IVL Swedish Environmental Institute in continued broad collaboration with affiliated partners. CCBuild is a not-for-profit company and all income is reinvested in the business.

CCBuild Board of Directors:

See image above, from left:

Chairman of the board: Jeanette Green, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
Thomas Stoll, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
Anna Jarnehammar, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
Rikard Silverfur, Fastighetsägarna
Johan Söderqvist, Möbelfakta

CCBuild's office:

Business manager for CCBuild is Carina Loh Lindholm. Contact details for us who work at CCBuild can be found HERE.

CCBuild's development council:

Advisory to CCBuild's operations and further development is CCBuild's development council. Members in the development council:

Anders Boström, Ten4
Anna Graaf, White Arkitekter
Anna Saraiva Schott, Malmö Stad
Emma Bonnevier, Byggföretagen
Jacob Steen, Brukspecialisten
Johanna Andersson, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
Lars Högwall, Bona
Magnus Ulaner, Sveriges Allmännytta
Maja Lindborg, Kaminsky Arkitektur
Malin Belfrage, Vasarkonan
Maria Perzon, Castellum
Peter Nicander, Tarkett
Ulla Janson, Lunds Tekniska Högskola


In 2015, the work with CCBuild was initiated in the project Recycling in the construction sector as an innovative business model (Återbruk i byggsektorn som innovativ affärsmodell) with support from Vinnova (UDI step 1), under the leadership of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. 

In spring 2017, the development of CCBuild continued in the Vinnova-funded research project Circular product flows in the construction sector - recycling of building materials on an industrial scale (Cirkulära produktflöden i byggsektorn – återbruk av byggmaterial i industriell skala)(UDI step 2), led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and a management group with representatives from Vasakronan, Byggföretagen, Fabege, Kompanjonen and IVL . 

From spring 2019 to spring 2021, the research project “Återbruk Väst” was conducted, led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in collaboration with Business Region Gothenburg and a management group with representatives from the City of Gothenburg, Akademiska Hus, Västra Götalandsregionen, Castellum, Chalmersfastigheter, Klövern, Business Region Gothenburg and IVL. Other participants were Bengt Dahlgren, Johanneberg Science Park, LINK Arkitektur, Tengbom Arkitekter and White Arkitekter. The project was funded by the region of Västra Götaland, the IVL Foundation and the project partners. The participants in Återbruk Väst used CCBuild's digital recycling support and were important for the evaluation of it. 

More partners are welcome 

From September 2020 to October 2022, the third step is ongoing: the research project Center for Circular Building - collaboration for recycling and circular material flows in the building and real estate sector (Centrum för cirkulärt byggande – samverkan för återbruk och cirkulära materialflöden i bygg- och fastighetssektorn). It is financed with support from Vinnova (UDI step 3) and by the partners. Almost 80 parties are now active as co-developers of CCBuild. After step 3, CCBuild takes a further step from project phase to ongoing operation. 

More players are welcome to join the collaboration within CCBuild as associated partner. The goal is to be the industry's common arena that supports increased circular construction. 

These are CCBuild's current partners and financiers: 

Partners in CCBuild:

ABT Bolagen AB, AFA Fastigheter, AFRY, Ahlsell, Ahrbom och Partner, AIX Arkitekter, Akademiska Hus, Alecta Fastigheter, AL Studio, AMF Fastigheter, Anders Byggare, Aranäs, Areim AB, Arkitekterna Krook & Tjäder, Akuro, Ateljé Lyktan, Balder, BASTA Online, Bengt Dahlgren, Bereda, Boetten, Borlänge kommun, Business Region Göteborg, ByggConstruct, Byggdialog, Byggfirman Otto Magnusson, Byggmaterialindustrierna, Bjerking, Bona AB, Bostad AB Poseidon, Bostadsbolaget, Bravida, Bricks & Lime AB, Brixly, Brukspecialisten, Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor AB, Byggföretagen, Byggpartner i Dalarna AB, CA consultadministration, CCC Jönköpings län, Castellum, Caverion, Circura, Climate Recovery, Collecct, Corem, EBAB, Ecophon, Eidar, Ettelva Arkitekter, Familjebostäder i Göteborg, Fastighetsägarna, Fabege, Fagerhults Belysning AB, Förvaltnings AB Framtiden, Glasbranschföreningen, GodaHus, Granitor, Grundels Fönstersystem AB, GöteborgsLokaler, Göteborgs Stad, Halmstads Fastighets AB, Helsingborgs Stad, Hemsö Fastighets AB, HIGAB, Huddinge Samhällsfastigheter AB, Hållbart byggande i Värmland, Installatörsföretagen, Intea Fastigheter, Interoc,  IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Jansson Entreprenad, Jernhusen, Johanneberg Science Park, KAKA Arkitekter, Kaminsky Arkitektur, KAMTech, Kfast Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter, Klaravik, Klimatarena Stockholm, Kjellander Sjöberg, Kodeda konsulter, Krook & Tjäder, Kungsbacka kommun, Kålltorps Glasmästeri, Liljewall, LINK Arkitektur, Lejonfastigheter, LIHAB, Logeco, Lotus AB, LP Bygg, Luleå kommun, Lunds kommun, Lunds kommuns Fastighets AB, Länsförsäkringar Halland, M3 Bygg, Malmö Stad, Mareld Landskapsarkitekter, Metrolit, Mimer, MKB Fastighets AB, Mölndala Fastighets AB, Mölndals Stad, Modexa, Nacka kommun, Noyer, Nätverket för hållbart byggande och förvaltning i kallt klimat, Näringslivscentrum Åtvidaberg, Okidoki, Peab, PE Teknik & Arkitektur, protek,  P-Malmö, Radar Arkitektur och Planering AB, Ramböll, ReCarpet, Region Halland, Rejlers, Renova, Respons arkitekter, Retursystem Byggpall, Riksbyggen, Rikshem, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Rival Bygg Rivning Demontering, Serneke, Sh Bygg, Stålbyggnadsinstitutet, Sveriges Allmännytta, Sweco, Skanska, Skandia Fastigheter, Skellefteå kommun, Solar Sverige AB, Sortera, Stena Fastigheter, Stena Recycling, Stena Stål, Sto Scandinavia, Stockholms Stad, Styjl, Sustera, Svenskt Trä, Tarkett, Tegelfogen, Tengbom, Tornberget Fastighetsförvaltning i Haninge, Torstensson Art & Design, Trollhättan Stad, Tumba Byggtjänst, Tyréns Sverige AB, Tysslinge Riv & Återbruk, Upplands-Brohus, Uppsala kommun, Utrikesdepartementet, Varbergs fastighets AB, Vasakronan, Veidekke, Vestia Construction Group, Vinci Energies, Volvo Car Corporation, Västfastigheter, Wallenstam, White arkitekter, Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB, Wiklunds, Wingårdhs, WSP, Zengun, Zurface, Ångtvättbilen, ÅWL Arkitekter, Örebro byggretur, Östersunds kommun.